
🚧 Sprout is still in active development and evolving quickly, so the documentation and functionality may not work as described and could undergo substantial changes 🚧

Function reference

Core functions

Core functions that support the creation and management of data packages and data resources.

Data package functions

Functions to work with and manage data packages, but not the data resources within them.

create_package_structure Sets up the folder structure for a new package.
edit_package_properties Edits the properties of an existing package.

Data resource functions

Functions to work with and manage data resources found within a data package.

write_resource_properties Writes the specified resource properties to the datapackage.json file.
create_resource_properties Creates a valid properties object for the specified resource.
create_resource_structure Creates the directory structure of a new resource.

Property dataclasses

Dataclasses that support creating correct data package properties.

ConstraintsProperties A class that expresses constraints for validating field values.
ContributorProperties The people or organizations who contributed to this data package.
FieldProperties A field in a table schema.
LicenseProperties The license(s) under which the package or resource is provided.
MissingValueProperties Values that, when encountered in the source, should be considered as not present.
PackageProperties A data package.
ReferenceProperties The destination part of a foreign key.
ResourceProperties A data resource.
SourceProperties The raw sources for this data package.
TableDialectProperties Table dialect describes how tabular data is stored in a file.
TableSchemaForeignKeyProperties A foreign key in a table schema.
TableSchemaProperties A table schema for a data resource.

Path functions

Functions to support providing the correct file paths to data package and data resource functions.

path_package Gets the absolute path to the specified package.
path_package_database Gets the absolute path to the specified package’s SQL database.
path_package_properties Gets the absolute path to the specified package’s properties file.
path_packages Gets the absolute path to the packages folder.
path_resource Gets the absolute path to the specified resource.
path_resource_data Gets the absolute path to the specified resource’s data (i.e., parquet) file.
path_resource_raw Gets the absolute path to the specified resource’s raw folder.
path_resource_raw_files Gets the absolute path to the raw files of the specified resource.
path_resources Gets the absolute path to the resources of the specified package.
path_sprout_global Gets Sprout’s global path location.