

🚧 Sprout is still in active development and evolving quickly, so the documentation and functionality may not work as described and could undergo substantial changes 🚧

Term Definition
propertiesMetadata that describes the entire data package and each of the data resources within it. At the package level, the properties include the package name and description, contributors, licenses, and more. At the resource level, they describe attributes such as the resource name, description, schema, and data fields. All properties are stored in datapackage.json in the root directory of the package.
data resourceA single piece of data, such as a table or data file, and its properties, included in a data package. It contains the actual data, documented following the Data Package standard. It consists of the raw data, the data saved in parquet format, as well as its properties.
data packageA “container” for data that describes a coherent collection of data. It consists of two parts: data resources and properties.